06 January 2011

Ted Williams: The Voice of the Homeless?

The power of the internet and social networking media is amazing and life-changing in many cases. Sometimes this is a bad thing, but there are those occasions where it is a good thing. One would hope that the story of Ted Williams turns out to be one of those good ones.

If you feel the need to learn more about Ted Williams and his story then start here or here.

In a nutshell, and from what I can tell, Ted Williams was a radio announcer in his younger years. He fell on hard times as a result of alcohol and drugs and a few "other things". He ended up homeless and panhandling out in Ohio on the I-71, and from there, the rest is history as they say.

Let's hope that the second chance Ted Williams finds himself with is one that he grasps with both hands. There is surely a powerful message of hope and perseverance in this story that bad things happen but good things can happen too.

If nothing else, you would have to agree, it is an amazing gift that he has. His voice is just so engaging.

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