22 January 2011

Is Obama Eligible to be President of the United States of America?

Yes, he is!

Nevertheless, it would seem that a group of "Birthers" will not be satisfied until such time as the president provides an original birth certificate. Yet, considering the manner in which birthers have gone about their task to date, an original birth certificate is unlikely to close off their beliefs. The cold, hard reality for birthers is that the State of Hawaii, the State where Barack Hussein Obama II was born, has already released enough data in its public records to put this to bed.

To be honest a certificate of live birth and the corresponding birth notices, both of which are contemporary to the event, should be more than enough. It is a truly bizarre claim that Obama is in essence a "Manchurian Candidate" that has been groomed since birth for this task of destroying the US from within as her president.

Interestingly, the Governor of Hawaii, Neil Abercrombie, wanted to assist in putting this matter to bed. However, the State's Attorney General, David Louie, has instructed the Governor that the Governor is barred by law from releasing the private birth certificates of individuals without their consent. Simply, the only person who can consent to the release of the Obama birth certificate is Barack Obama  himself. So, if Obama remains true to past form, it would seem unlikely that a birth certificate will be forthcoming. And, to be honest it is not necessary.

Hawaii has confirmed that the original documents have been cited and confirmed and that information is contained in the State's vital records. So, to all intents and purposes, Hawaii is satisfied that Barack Hussein Obama II was born at Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital in Honolulu on 4 August 1961.

Then again, Hawaii's failure to release the originals is obviously, as the birthers will contend, all part of the grand conspiracy. After all, Obama was born in Kenya, is an Indonesian citizen and a practicing Muslim, right?

Ho hum...


  1. He,s a man of mystery,when running for office none of the networks seemed interested in asking any hard questions.I also read where his school records are sealed.Add the czars doing an end run around the constitution and people have a right to ask lots of questions.No experience and heck he dosent even dress like the head of the free world.He cant leave fast enough for me!Oh yeah the eligible thing,i dont know if he,s legal or not but he sure dosent have any experience to qualify himself,sara palin is more qualified than this man.RW

  2. @ Anonymous (aka RW)...

    Thanks for dropping by and leaving another comment.

    I guess there are multiple ways to view how things transpired?

    But, I wouldn't mind a little more elaboration on things like:

    the czars doing end-runs around the constitution, and dressing like the head of state, or even Sarah Palin's credentials...

  3. Rob,the czar thing,look it up,im not an expert.Every time i see the president he wears shirts and no tie,i dont think its very presedential looking,Sara Palin ran a state and spent the whole time fighting big oil and all the people who kept sueing her with frivilous lawsuits.President Obama was an community organizer and as a senator he mostly voted present.Things he stated as senator he has since reversed his views.

  4. Rob,everyone has their opinions,picture building a new house,do you want the new carpenter with no experience,or some old guy whos been doing it for years?President obama hasnt got a clue.he dosent like the usa and wants it to be more like europe.i just watch his actions,70 percent of americans said the dont want government healthg care yet the president continues to push it thru,he is supposed to be a public survant not an elitist who thinks he knows better than the people.He spends more in six months than all the presidents spent put together,than says gee we need to reduce the dept,it just goes on and on.If i was going to destroy the usa i would follow the Obama model.RW
