11 January 2011

Funny Screen Shots...

Before heading to bed, I figured I would look for a little more light-hearted stuff that I might post about. So, during my cyber travels I came across this site called Banned in Hollywood (BIN). BIN had a series of funny screen shots posted and here is a selection of those.

My apologies to anyone who finds these offensive. I think they are fairly tame and provided me a bit of a chuckle before I head off to bed. Enjoy and Nighty night all!

 More colorful indeed!

Identical twins separated at birth?

 That is one hell of an afternoon storm you have brewing there Mr Weatherman!

 So, what was the prize? A giant condom?

 Reminds me of the following question: What starts with F and ends in UCK? FiretrUCK...

 She does not look to pleased by the prospect of President Obama's "arrival in me", does she? Does this mean that the president is likely to be a "come and leave" sort of a guy?

Seriously? People leave the house dressed like that? I wonder if you have to make the penis pants yourself or can you go to a specialty store for that sort of outfit?

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