02 December 2010

Why Are The FPI Anti-Miyabi?

The Islamic Defenders' Front are against all things Miyabi. Generally, they are against all things Miyabi for no other reason than she is a porn star. Yes, she makes films where she takes her clothes off and has sex with men and women. These films do a roaring trade on the streets of Indonesia, usually in their pirated versions.

However, the following photos clearly show that Miyabi, whose real name is Maria Ozawa, is in fact very much sympathetic to all things Indonesian. For example, Miyabi is a firm believer in law and order. She has been photographed here astride a rather large police motorbike to highlight her ongoing support for the difficult job that Indonesian police have. Especially now that it has become an offense to use one's mobile phone while driving, including using it to SMS.

In this screen capture it is obvious that Miyabi is sympathetic to the religious obligations of Muslims during and after the fasting month. So much so that she has worn a headscarf and asked her many fans to resist temptation during the fasting month. In that sense, Miyabi is very much on the same page as the FPI, right? (no need to mind that this is a really good effort on photoshop software).

Finally, Miyabi has become so much a part of Indonesian culture that the biggest noodle producer in the world, Indofood, has honoured her with her own range of instant noodles.

There are just so many more important things for Indonesians to worry about other than whether a foreign porn star comes to Indonesia to make a horror-comedy film. And, for most Indonesians, they realise this. It is too bad that the FPI have this obsession on Miyabi and such an unhealthy fixation on her every move. So, it was mildly amusing to me that the FPI made suggestions that they would be prepared to vet Miyabi's most recent effort on film, Hantu Tanah Kusir, for pornography if the producers of the film facilitated free tickets for them to do so.

Hmmm...Ho Hum!

It seems that Firman, the commenter to this post, has been asking why I did not cite the sources. He seemed to think that I was claiming them as images that I had created myself. I did not create these images. I have now added the sources where I pulled them off the internet from. They may or may not have originated on Kaskus. I did not get the images from Kaskus.

Generally, I make it a habit of citing all sources or at least saying something lame like "all images are freely available on the internet". This post was done with a view to getting back to citing the sources at some point this evening. I wrote the post and included the images and then went out. Now that I am back home and have had a little chuckle at the to and fro about where these pictures came from, I have gone back into my files and pulled the sources. The are now cited. Hopefully, this puts Firman's mind at rest with regards to the origins of the versions of the images posted here.

Top of the evening to y'all!


  1. The pictures have been around in Kaskus for a very long time.

  2. @ Firman...

    Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment.

    It really is not about the pictures, is it? And, the pictures are available from a whole lot more places than just kaskus.

    The jilbab and mie pictures are obvious photoshops. The police bike picture I was led to believe was a much more recent one.

    The point really was "a tongue in cheek" look at why the FPI has a problem with Miyabi / Maria Ozawa.

    Anyways, as I said, thanks for dropping by.

  3. I'd like to file another complaint! You tagged this post with 'full frontal nudity' and I don't see any!

  4. Someone is disappointed :). Of course no nude pics here. It's Mieyabi Instant Nudeless.

  5. @ Ferdi...


    Well, it depends on how creative your imagination is!

  6. @ Aprianti...

    Very clever and very amusing!

  7. Rob would never actually post frontal nudity.

    Did you? ever?

  8. @ Treespotter...

    Yes, Yes, Yes!

    A real early blogging career post on Madonna might prove enlightening. It is still a post that gets about 15-20 page visits per day :D

  9. This may be old news, but I bet this is still happening until today. All I can say is that these so-called moralists are probably hypocrites and in truth, they also want to see stuff like these; it's just that they can't afford to break their "holy, pure, and sacred" image... :P
