06 December 2010

Hurlstone Agricultural High School...

The HAHS Class of 1987 get together every now and then for a social gathering and a few drinks. This follows on from a reunion that was held a couple of years ago. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend the reunion as Will was deciding whether or not he wanted to come early.

But, I did manage to get to the most recent one at the Sussex Hotel. I must confess to never having been to the Sussex Hotel before. It was a pleasant little place on the Darling Harbour end of Sussex street. It is probably not a place for those looking to kick on as it does last drinks at 11.00pm. Anyways, back to the gathering, the latest gathering was a small affair in comparison to those of the past. Nevertheless, it was interesting to catch up with the few that did make it. With a bit of luck more will happen in the future and more people will be able to make it.

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