19 November 2010

YMCA -- The Village People...

Village People - YMCA (version originale)
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As I was driving home this evening The Village People's biggest hit came on the radio, YMCA. It amazes me that even after all these years I still remember all the words and the dance moves to go with them. When I was a kid the Girl Guides used to hold a disco for all the local children to attend. And, I remember, some thirty years later that all us kids used to get down and boogie to this song.

At ten years old, I was not interested in the politics of the song. I could not care less whether it was a "gay anthem" that dealt with the idea that the Young Men's Christian Association was some kind of gay pick-up joint. The Village People were cool! I still like The Village People and this is still my favourite Village People song.

For those of you who are too young to remember the audacious moves to accompany the YMCA, then here they are.

Y  — arms outstretched and raised upwards
M  — made by bending the elbows from the 'Y' pose so the fingertips meet over the chest
C  — arms extended to the left
A  — hands held together above head


  1. gay or not gay, it's still a catchy tune and u cant sing it without doing the YMCA thing with ur arms!

  2. @ Therry...

    Yep! But, it is pretty hard to master the moves while you are sitting behind the wheel.

    But, where there is a will, there is a way.

  3. i dont think you should be listening to it while driving - i'd be tempted! especially when driving in busy roads in Jakarta llol

  4. @ Therry...

    Which was kind of my point. :D
