12 November 2010

Tifatul Sembiring on the Colbert Report...

It would seem that Tifatul Sembiring (aka TitS) has gone global in ways that he would never have imagined he would. What is perversely funny about this whole affair is that it is nothing more than a handshake that did it.

The man is an embarrassment.

Nuf said!


  1. Hi Rob,
    The picture is not shown on my computer.
    But I agree that this is very shameful indeed.

  2. @ Harry...

    Maybe TitS has blocked its entry into Indonesia already ;)

  3. This has got to be your best blog of the month Rob.

    No, wait..scratch that.. I vote for the Jupe vs Dewi Persik blog instead..:D

    Somewhere in a dark corner, TifSem is flogging himself..

  4. @ Dino...

    Whatever do you mean "flogging himself"? On second thoughts, nah, don't worry.
