05 November 2010

Teaching for a Living...

Well, my final practicum is finished. The five weeks went pretty quickly, I guess being busy makes time seem like it passes by a little faster than it really does. I have also been lucky to have a couple of really good practitioners as supervising teachers.

This current practicum was much easier than the others. I think this might have something to do with me feeling a little more comfortable with my ability to actually do what needed to be done and do it well.

Having taught 7 - 10 and now 11 - 12, I reckon my strengths are definitely going to be in the senior subjects, and particularly the advanced and extension courses. However, the reality is going to be as a new graduate I will be teaching whatever comes my way. This is not likely to be advanced or extension courses. Now, that said, I definitely will not mind teaching 7 - 10. I enjoy the content in those courses as well. With a bit of luck I will get recognition for my Indonesian and get the opportunity to teach a little LOTE as well.

Now, that my final practicum is finished I have faxed off my prac report with a view to getting approval for an interim casual teaching number. With a bit of luck this should be emailed on Monday. Once I have a casual teaching number I can start to look for some casual work and get paid for teaching.

The final piece of the puzzle is getting all my university results finalised.


  1. Rob,
    I am glad that you have finished your practicum and will start teaching. Congrats!
