09 November 2010

Pram Parking...

A short rant...

Being a parent with a young child and the need to use a pram when out and about doing the "shopping" it is always nice to know that most shopping centres in Sydney and the surrounding suburbs have dedicated "pram parking".

Basically, dedicated pram parking is a parking space that is marked as being reserved for those people with young families; in essence those with prams. It is pretty hard to miss the dedicated pram parking spaces as they have a big red square or oval shape with a pram in it.

It annoys me that people without prams and without young children think that these spaces are just another space that they can park in. It annoys me because if I am out shopping without Will, then I park in regular parking spaces.

But, it is not just dedicated pram parking spaces that seem to be subject to open season for any old person needing a parking spot. I was going to Woolworths the other day and the disabled parking spaces are right in front of the door, which is where they should be. In Australia, these spaces are marked in blue and those that are legitimately disabled have a special parking sticker that acknowledges that they have a right to park there. It really gets me steamed to watch able-bodied people without the relevant sticker roll up and park in a disabled space.

It is time that those that are responsible for policing dedicated parking spaces actually did the job they are assigned to do. Then again...

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