01 November 2010

Pamela Anderson and the FPI...

Is it just me? Or does the FPI have a problem with any woman that does not wear the veil or at the very, very, very least dress modestly from head to toe in a manner that they find modest? And, since when has the helping the victims of disaster been haram or prohibited under Islam?

Some of Pamela Anderson's best days are behind her at with respect to looking super good (note to self...time to watch some Baywatch re-runs). But, all the same, she still is pretty much smoking at 43. Besides, Hugh Hefner reckons she still has enough left in the tank to do a Playboy cover. Herein lies the FPI problem with Pamela Anderson. Ms. Anderson has decided that she is going to donate USD 25,000 to a charity that provides water filters in disaster areas. This charity, Waves for Water, work all over the world.

The FPI in their infinite [lack] of wisdom have decided that they need to vocalise their opposition to the donation, and particularly the fact that it is likely to be used in Indonesia. The FPI penchant for porn and its special liking of Playboy is well known. I have always figured that most FPI members are anti-Playboy because it gives them an excuse to go out and collect playboy magazines presumably to stock up on them as "burning material" for later protests (or just to read them and stick the pages together and then burn them!). Nevertheless, getting back on track, the FPI has decided that because the money comes from Pamela Anderson, and is the product of a porn shoot, that the money is haram.

I always thought it was possible to make an utterance or two and then get on with the job so to speak.

Habib "Hey Baby" Umar Salim of the Jakartan Branch of FPI has determined that accepting money from a Playboy shoot is tantamount to asking God to strike Indonesia down with another disaster. The logic being, at least in the mind of Hey Baby, is that porn is a much bigger challenge for Indonesia than any of these natural disasters combined. Porn is so big a problem that it is better to reject the Pamela Anderson donation and allow children, along with their parents, to die from a lack of clean water. But, hey, God will undoubtedly be pleased with your efforts Hey Baby.

If Hey Baby had any brains he would realise that God would not be fooled by this sinner, Pamela Anderson, at judgment day and would not allow her to try and claim mitigating circumstances that the donation should buy her way into paradise. But, Hey Baby might also recognise that the call is one that God gets to make and not him.

However, it would seem that Hey Baby's bigger grievance is that the media is not reporting that the FPI has opened an aid centre for the victims of the Mount Merapi eruption. Hay Baby is whining that the media only writes bad stuff about the FPI like they kill people. Well, you and your white-robed thug buddies do go around beating people up and destroying their property because they do not subscribe to your brand of Islam so the media does have a right to report that, don't they? And, it might well be newsworthy that your opposition to this donation, and the good that it will bring through access to clean water, is tantamount to killing people.

If the hat fits...

And. lucky last...is this the money shot?


  1. Hi Rob,
    FPI only takes actions on easy targets that attract attention of the media like Miyabi,Playboy and Pamela Anderson.
    If they are really defenders of Islam they should go to Aceh during tsunami, Padang during earthquake, Merapi, where most victims are Muslims.
    I think FPI guys are just looking for popularity so that they can be candidates in the elections.

  2. @ Harry...

    I am not sure that Pamela Anderson is an "easy" target. However, it is sure to attract a little bit of attention.

    The FPI as defenders of Islam, now that is funny.

    I sort of agree, but I tend to think that it is more about finding legitimacy. If people start to believe that the FPI is a legitimate voice for Islam then they can start to argue that they have some sort of 'moral' authority to do what they do.

    If the FPI is ever considered a legitimate organisation, then that will be a very sad day for Indonesia.

    Now, that said, the recently appointed police chief is all for working co-operatively with the FPI. Statements like that are the beginning of the "legitimacy" process that the FPI are on. If they ever gain that legitimacy then having members stand for parliament and other government positions is a mere formality.

    The mind boggles as to what an FPI-inspired Indonesia might look like.
