26 November 2010

Obama's 75,000-Word Email to the Nation...

You have to give credit where credit is due. The people over at The Onion are a humorous bunch of news providers.

It seems that the latest news from The Onion relates to a rambling 75,000-word email that the Commander-in-Chief sent to all Americans. The email was titled, somewhat ironically, "a couple of things". President Obama is clearly a frustrated man struggling to come to grips with the nature of the Washington political game. To see just how frustrated he is, read.

I wonder if Fox News Channel will pick up this story and run with it? Maybe Glenn Back will have a crack at this story. It sort of fits in with the 'birther' type stories. Or the raging lefty, pinko, communist (or is that socialist?) anti-Christ that the president allegedly represents. Ho hum...



  1. Could you tell me where I could read the whole e-mail?

  2. I first took it seriously until I saw the website...and it was The Onion. LOL, just when I thought it was serious.

  3. @ Anonymous...

    Not sure that it is at The Onion, but you could look.

    @ Toshi...

    Yes, just when you thought it was serious...

  4. Thanks for the article, very effective information.
