25 November 2010

The "Movember" Self Portrait...

November is Movember month. Movember, in a nutshell, is where moustaches are worn in support of men's health issues, especially prostate cancer and depression.

So, getting into the spirit of things...

I am now at the age where I need to be thinking about getting the old prostate checked out.

And, looking at this photo and can see that I am starting to look way older than my years. Need to do something about that. A good firming face cream perhaps...


  1. Start thinking the idea of botox? Or Face lift?

    I was one of your students for Praktek Diplomatik back then in 2005. I love diplomacy. Thank you, Pak! :-)

  2. @ PC...

    Working backwards. I am glad that you enjoyed it. I enjoyed teaching the subject.

    Ouch! Botox? Face lifts? Nah, I am what I am and age is what it is! Some of us will be more fortunate in that the aging process will not be too harsh...me, on the other hand, let the cards fall where they will!

    Thanks for taking the time to comment.

    So, what are you up to these days? Guessing graduated and out in the real world...

  3. I am a roockie associate at a law firm, Pak. I enjoy it. I love what I do. But, there is no conclusion to a journey, isnt'it? So, still considering bout applying for foreign ministry. Have not made up my mind :-)

  4. Well, good luck with whatever it is that you decide to do.

  5. Rob,

    Feeling old is a mind game.
    So the key to stay young is never think that you are old, ha ha ha ...

  6. Hi Mo Bro. Keep it growin! Movember rocks. I made a short Movember music video called "Grow a Muzzy - PHOTO version" now on YouTube. Hope you like it:

    Cheers, marsht9 from up north

  7. @ Marsht9...

    Thanks for dropping by and commenting. I will check out the link when I get a chance.
