30 November 2010

Major League Baseball: Derek Jeter and the New York Yankees...

This is not my usual subject matter, I know!

I am a fan of baseball, and the New York Yankees are the team that I follow. I figure there are fans and then there are "fans"! I am just a fan. My life would not end for example if the Yankees were not to win the World Series every year. My life also would not end if the Yankees were unable to reach a deal with current captain, Derek Jeter.

Baseball salaries are huge. This post is not about whether huge salaries are right or wrong in any moral sense during hard economic times. I fully support the players getting a cut of the profits that the sport generates. It does not matter whether this is up-front salary or performance based bonuses. This post is about whether or not a 36-year-old player with declining production is worth a 6-year contract at an average of USD 25 million per season.

Jeter has just closed out a 10-year USD 189 million contract. There is little argument that he is the heart and soul of the Yankees outfit. There might be some debate as to whether or not he is replaceable. There is sure to be debate as to whether or not he is worth a contract that would see his salary increase in what would be the twilight of an exceptional career as a Yankee.

The Yankees have offered Jeter 3 years and USD 45 million. So, it will be fun to watch just which side is more keen to have Jeter a Yankee. There is obviously plenty of negotiating room between USD 15 million and USD 25 million. The national pastime when games are not being played must be watching the salary negotiations of your team's favourite stars. I am an Alex Rodriguez fan even after the steroids revelations.

I wonder how much space USD 25 million takes up. Even if I saved every cent that I earned in my lifetime I would still not make 25 million. Does it fit in one very large suitcase? I don't even know what I would do with 25 million, there is only so many things that I want to buy. Where there is a will, there is a way. I guess I could work out spending it. Maybe I should have taken sports more seriously when I was younger!

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