18 November 2010

Indonesia vs. Yemen: Beach Volleyball & Cheer Squads...

Yemen played Indonesia in the beach volleyball tournament at the Asian Games being held in China. Yemen lost. However, what makes this story interesting and fun is the reason Yemen lost. According to the Yemenis, they lost the match because the bikini wearing cheer squads that jump out and then jump around during the breaks in the volleyball action were too distracting.

It is a pretty good excuse when you think about it. I am guessing that the young men from Yemen do not get a lot of scantily clad bikini cheer squads at their local tournaments. In contrast, Indonesia has no trouble at all in cobbling together a few sexy bikini wearing women to wow their local crowds.

Or maybe, the Yemenis were just beaten by a better and more skillful pairing from Indonesia.

In any event, they are there to play volleyball and not be distracted by the women, aren't they?


  1. RAB said, "In contrast, Indonesia has no trouble at all in cobbling together a few sexy bikini wearing women to wow their local crowds."

    The newspaper said, "Organisers of the Guangzhou Asiad have hired four cheerleader squads, each made up of eight girls in swimsuits, to entertain fans during breaks in the beach volleyball action, said the newspaper."

    Rob, Indonesia didn't provide the girlies, Guangzhou did. Mind you, having lived in Jakarta, capital of the largest Muslim-populated nation on Earth, I'd believe it if they really were Indonesian. I'd even believe it if they were Indonesian and topless... I'd even believe it if they were Indonesian, topless and getting it ......uhummm....."Land of Irony".

  2. @ David...

    I did not say that Indonesia did provide the girlies. What I did say was:

    "It is a pretty good excuse when you think about it. I am guessing that the young men from Yemen do not get a lot of scantily clad bikini cheer squads at their local tournaments. In contrast, Indonesia has no trouble at all in cobbling together a few sexy bikini wearing women to wow their local crowds."

    Which by my reckoning is talking about the respective teams experiences in local tournaments in Yemen and Indonesia prior to coming to China for the Asian games.

    If that is not what I said, then that is what I meant to say ;)

  3. Rob, ahh..yes, I missed the 'local' bit..sorry :-)

  4. Hi Rob,

    If those bikini girls do their thing during breaks I think it's okay for Indonesian team. But it would be different if those girls are doing it during the game.

    PS: I am thinking about linking this post on my next blog post.

  5. @ Harry...

    If you want to link this post (or cut and paste it), then go for it! For want of a better phrase; I would appreciate the exposure!

    Yemen lost because they were beaten by a better team on the day. The Yemenis did not lose this match because of the girls in the bikinis.

  6. The information is pretty great that the Yemen played Indonesia in the beach volleyball tournament,although the facts are also amazing.

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  7. @ Carl...

    I will leave it up to my readers to determine whether they visit your link.

    Thanks for dropping by, and thanks for the kind words.

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