19 November 2010

Gayus Tambunan & Aburizal Bakrie in Bali...

If anyone was doubting whether Gayus Tambunan, tax official extraordinaire, and Aburizal Bakrie, [alleged] Tax Evader, met in Bali recently during the Commonwealth Bank Tournament of Champions Tennis, then wonder no more. Here is a photo of them together. It is pretty obvious the man in the wig is Gayus, but the man in the jilbab I would never have picked for Aburizal Bakrie if someone did not tell me it was him.

I guess when your main man in the tax office gets jammed up for helping people avoid their tax obligations then it is a pretty good certainty that one would like to know what he knows and get your respective stories straight.

Ho hum...

(The photo is not mine. It came via Facebook. If the original owner wants credit for it, then let me know, as I am happy to give it where it is due)


  1. Penyamaran yang sempurna!!!?? hihihhh

  2. And, thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment.

  3. Hi Rob,

    Ha ha ha ha .........
    Where did your get that photo?

    People doubt that the two met, and I think that it's impossible for Bakrie, who is eying for the presidential election 2014, would want to meet Gayus, defendant in tax cases allegedly related to some big businessmen.

    Gayus is just a low level staff at the Directorate General of Tax, and the law enforcement agencies are only focusing on him and not his superior officers.
    How about the Directorate's ex top boss : Darmin Nasution? currently Governor of BI.

  4. @ Harry...

    I am hearing that they did meet. In the big scheme of things, and for the purposes of this comment, it is possible they did.

    If they did, then it is to be expected that Bakrie would deny it. Any meeting would look suspicious.

    I guess the key is what one believes with respect to what Gayus knows. It is possible for a mid-level official at the tax office to mask and lead superiors astray for a while before getting caught.

    Therefore, a meeting could have been arranged to ensure that there was a meeting of the minds, so to speak; get their respective 'stories' straight.

    On Darmin...you conspiracy theorist you! :D
