16 November 2010

DJ Mamy Rock...

I was thinking of posting about Ruth Flowers (aka DJ Mamy Rock) a couple of days ago, but got busy doing other things. DJ Mamy Rock is 69-years-old. Her past life was in Bristol in England. Her new life as a DJ is taking her all over the world. She has done Europe and is a real star there. She has recently taken Los Angeles by storm and will by all accounts sweep the rest of the US up in that perfect storm.

I watched an interview with her the other day on Sunrise (Channel 7) here in Australia. Apparently, her crisis post middle-age crisis was not really a crisis but rather a tag along with a grandson to a disco. It was here she decided that she could do as good a job, if not better, as the DJ working her grandson's party. The rest is history so they say. However, that history included some help from a French fellow, Aurelien Simon, who wanted to launch a granny DJ. It would seem that this was the perfect convergence of vision and person.

Having conquered Europe and seemingly the US, DJ Mamy Rock is going to be playing gigs in China and Japan. So, I am wondering whether there are any interested Indonesian club owners who might entice DJ Mamy Rock to make a trip to Jakarta for a show or two. Maybe she could do a gig at X2 or Red Square, but there are a stack of options for DJ Mamy Rock in Indonesia.

Perhaps, DJ Mamy Rock can keep heading south and do a few gigs in Australia. I might even be tempted to head out and have a look if she were to make it to Sydney.

Hopefully at 69 I will still be standing up more often than sitting down.

Here are some YouTube clips of DJ Mamy Rock in action.

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