12 November 2010

Ahmadinejad vs. TitS...

It is pretty sad to suggest that Ahmadinejad can show anyone the way to do things right, but...

At least Ahmadinejad seems to be true to what he believes in. I guess there is no need for Ahmadinejad to take to Twitter and Facebook in an attempt to explain the "touch". Too bad, Tifatul Sembiring (aka TitS) can only talk the talk and not walk the walk.

So, what is the "look" on SBY's face suggest?

My thanks to Pak Dedy A. Prasetyo for the photo.


  1. Tifatul (TitS) is Retarded
    Everybody could Su*k TitS for Free..

  2. @ Anonymous...

    Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment.

    I am interested why you had no problem writing TitS is "Retarded" but found it necessary to self-censor on the "Suck TitS for Free" part?

    I could think of a few people that would be more offended with the use of the word retarded than they would with the idea of sucking tits.

    Oh well...

  3. Yeah, at least Ahmadinejad was being consistent with his principles. Tiffy, sadly, was not... (and later said it was not his fault, pah)

  4. @ Hoax...

    I guess that was my point with respect to talking the talk and walking the walk.

    Tiffy is a walking and talking disappointment.
