23 October 2010

Wayne's World...

So, Wayne Rooney ends up with a new 5-year deal at Manchester United which is set to pay him a paltry 250,000 quid per week or a royal 60 million over the five years..

I am not sure about anyone else, but a simple apology is not likely to cut it with MU fans. Let's face it, this whole thing reeks of nothing more than a young man angling for a much bigger salary. This is his right of course. I am not advocating that footballers with talent do not get the best deal that they can. I am suggesting that the way this one played out was particularly unsavoury, and simply the fans have a right to be a little peeved at the way it was done.

I really should have done more to be famous. The 250K per week is made up of a base salary of 160K and a further 90K in image rights. How many images do you need to be moving to justify 90K per week? I am guessing that image rights also includes products like playing shirts and the like.

Time for bed and a dream or two about what might have been had I been more dedicated to my footy!

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