05 October 2010

Time Flies When You're Having Fun...

Or in my case, time flies when you are doing an accelerated Masters program and any time that you do have never seems to be enough. As I was sitting here tidying up a my last couple of assessment tasks before heading out on practicum placement next week at Cootamundra High School, it dawned on me that Wednesday is my last day of university classes. To all intents and purposes, today is the day, it is all over red rover (or is that bar the shouting?)

So, what have I done since February and where has that time gone? Well, I have done two teaching methods (English & History) for  both the junior and senior high school levels. I have done subjects on teaching, inclusive education, positive learning environments, diversity, and pedagogy. I have also done two practicum placements (East Hills Boys High School and Bingara Central School).

So, as I sit here and type this, I am wondering whether I have paid enough attention in class and done enough reading and practice to be a teacher. It is not long now and we will be finding out whether Mr. Baiton is up to the task!

The only other thing that I am wondering right now is, "where is the Department of Education and Training going to place me for my first appointment?" The beauty of being a scholarship holder, and having been assessed as suitable to teach, is that I am going to be employed somewhere. The only unknown is the name of the town where Dyah, Will and I are to call home for the next 2 or 3 years.

No point in worrying about that now.


  1. Hi Rob,
    How about somewhere in Indonesia ? ..... LOL
    Good luck anyway.

  2. @ Harry...

    Nah, not right now. Although, one should "never say never" :)
