19 October 2010

SBY Having Another Buffalo Moment...

It would appear that the very considerable resources of the National Police Force of the Republic of Indonesia are being brought together to keep people's legitimate rights to protest at bay. Funnily enough in the democracy that Indonesia claims to be, there are those that don't see eye-to-eye with the president on his performance.

In order to make the president see that he is doing a below average job they plan to protest on 20 October 2010 to commiserate the first 12 months of the second Yudhoyono term.

A previous protest was notable for the reaction of the ever and over-sensitive president. One of the protesters thought the best visual way to articulate his dissatisfaction about the job the president was not doing, namely: being president, was to bring along his buffalo and paint SiBuYo on the side of it.

There is little doubting what this protesters intention was. However, this, in my opinion, is a poor rap for the buffalo. After all, the buffalo is worth something and actually pulls their weight and does some work.In fact, the buffalo earns its keep. Whereas, in contrast SBY, is just big, fat and lazy, except when it comes to making albums and inserting inappropriate questions into the civil service exams!

But, to ensure that the super-thin-skinned president is not the subject of ridicule and offense. The National Police have reminded protesters they are not to bring animals to the protest, particularly animals that will cause offense. This is presumably for public safety and law and order concerns. As I said, bad rap for the buffalo.

Maybe the RMS should just start bringing buffaloes to the airport...it seems that Pak Presiden is just as scared of buffaloes as he is court cases.


  1. After I posted this, I had a momentary flash of an idea whiz through my head...

    Maybe the protesters could all dress up in white robes and where t-shirts for masks, brandish sticks, and damage other people's property and the police, particularly the new chief of police, would turn a blind eye...

    Ah wait a minute, that's the FPI! Protesters with legitimate grievances are not afforded the same protections...Oops, my bad for forgetting!

  2. Hi Rob,
    I am sure that this time the police would be ready now and would make sure that no animals will appear during the demonstration.

  3. @ Harry...

    I am sure that the police will nip any animal activity in the bud this time around.

    Yet, there seems no escaping that the move to stop the appearance of the buffalo is designed to ensure that the happy snappies of a spray painted buffalo do not do the rounds of the international press. In reality, the ban on the buffalo is designed to protect SBY's ego.

    If it is a public health or law and order issue, then the police are going to have a hard time selling that.

    Personally, and buffaloes, pigs, donkeys and asses aside, I think this has more to do with SBY truly believing that he is doing a good job and being in denial about the fact that there are Indonesians out there who are willing to protest what they consider his poor performance record to date, particularly through the first year of his second term.


  4. Gosh, there is a great deal of worthwhile material above!
