02 October 2010

Gonzo Imperial Porter...

Gonzo Imperial Porter is a beer produced by the Flying Dog Brewery out of Denver, Colorado in the good Ol' US of A. I post this here because I know that the Treespotter is a fan (not of my beer reviews, but of Hunter S. Thompson). The beer is an imperial stout and pours black by the looks of the photos I have seen.

However, there is a version of this beer that has been aged for three months in oak whiskey barrels, and pour with a very wicked 9.5% alcohol volume. I am not sure that I will be able to track down a bottle of this brew that I can afford, or whether any are in fact left. There were only 5,000 of them made with the name "Wild Dog".

The regular version of the beer won a Gold Medal at the World Beer Cup. Yes, folks, there are competitions for quality beers.

With a bit of luck I will get to Denver to taste one.

This is a review that came from my calendar of beers.

"Hunter S. Thompson would be proud. The winner of a Gold medal at the 2008 World Beer Cup in the American-style Imperial stout category, this namesake brew has enough hops, roast grain bitterness, and (let's not forget) alcohol to satisfy even the celebrated gonzo journalist.

Lots of espresso and bittersweet chocolate to start, then on to loads of resinous, pine sap hop aroma, and a volatile dose of alcohol. It's got bite, but a chocolate sweetness steps in to the rescue. This is no chugging beer. Try it with raspberries, dark chocolate truffles, or both."

It seems I still have a little bit to do in terms of working on the quality of my beer reviews!

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