07 October 2010

Cebu Pacific Airlines Dancing Flight Attendants...

My daily travels on the internet quite often reveal some real interesting stuff. This is one of those real fun things, at least to my simple mind. Cebu Pacific Airlines has decided to 'freshen' up its in-flight safety routine by getting their flight attendants to dance and do their safety thing to the music of Lady Gaga.

This is a bonus so to speak because it happens once the flight reaches cruising altitude. The airline does the standard Civil Aviation mandated safety procedures before the flight gets off the ground. Cebu Pacific airlines seems to think that this will work as a marketing strategy to get more people on their planes. I am not sure that it will now that the video can be watched on YouTube, but one never knows on these things, right?

I guess they now freshen this up by getting the flight attendants to do this in swimsuits and bikinis. Although, I did not notice a whole lot of male flight attendants on the job.


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