01 October 2010

Beer Reviews...

I have a desk calendar that reviews a different beer each day for 365 days, awesome. I am thinking that it might be a good idea to plan all future holidays with beer in mind. But, in order to justify this, I am thinking that I need to start a new blog. However, in the meantime, I will review the beers that I drink here. I can always move these amateurish posts later on.

I am thinking that I will also need to do a "beer appreciation" course to brush up on the proper terminology and 'stuff' to make it look like I am a real aficionado or is it beer connoisseur?

Anyways, I was in Woolworths earlier on tonight for the sole purpose of buying bread. Nevertheless, the beauty of Woolies is that there is a bottle shop attached. I figured that if this plan to review beers was ever going to get underway, it was a case of now or never.

So, the next couple of posts are reviews of beers that I have enjoyed, or not, with photos taken by me.

I hope that these post prove as enlightening for you as they were warm and fuzzy for me as I drunk the reviewed product.

Maybe a someone will read these reviews who employs professional beer reviewers....heaven (which one might need a prayer for)!


  1. You'll love Scotland by Spring :) we have Ale&Beer festival around that time

  2. @ Dhani...

    Thanks for filling me in on a good time to travel to Scotland for beer. I appreciate it ;)

    I am not going to ask you to confess whether you sampled any of the local specialties or what you would recommend...unless of course a friend of a friend of a friend has a recommendation, then go for it :D
