27 October 2010

Ariel and the FPI...

Amongst all the serious and tragic news today of earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions in Indonesia, there is this piece of "news". It appears Nazriel 'Ariel' Irham of Peterpan (aka Peterporn) fame has decided to repent and make his peace with God after his recent escapade into the sex-capade business of amateur porn.

There is nothing wrong with people deciding that their previous ways were in error and seeking to make their peace with whoever they think they must. But, the very idea that you would be seeking out the FPI to repent your sins and make everything swell with God again is funny in the most perverse kind of a way. Although, I am pretty sure that in order to repent, one must first acknowledge and admit to their "sins".

So, does this mean that Ariel is ready to say "Sorry Cut for not getting around to this sooner as I have been too busy trying to save my own arse, but yes that is us in that sex video, and you were good! In fact, one of the best that I ever had. Can I just say, your husband is a lucky man!"

The very idea that one would seek out these white-robed thugs parading as the enforcers of God's laws is sure to be a source for further embarrassment.

However, if the news in The Jakarta Globe is accurate then it would seem that it is Ariel and his team reaching out to the FPI in order to make things 'right'. The FPI visited Ariel in Kebonwaru Prison in Bandung today, and specifically with Hilman Firdaus. Hilman is, of course, interested in this development. If for no other reason than it provides some legitimacy to the FPI as being important in matters of religion rather than just promulgators of violence.

Yet, hearing it Hilman style is a little scary because he seems to think that if Ariel wants it, then the FPI is williong to help set him on the straight and narrow, while simultaneously helping Ariel and Peterpan regain their former glory.

The mind boggles at the thought of how the FPI envisages 'helping' Ariel and Peterpan regain their previous days of glory.


  1. Rob,
    Ariel and FPI are like Fire and Water =n don't mix under normal circumstances.
    I wonder what kind of game FPI is playing. It could be money, popularity.

  2. @ Harry...

    Personally, making an argument that they are capable of guiding Ariel on his journey to redemption is a covert way of finding legitimacy for themselves as an organisation that is "in tune" with all things Islam Indonesian style.

    This is not a good thing.
