16 August 2010

SBY and the State of the Nation...

You get what you vote for! It is so very unfortunate that Indonesians are having to realise this the hard way.

SBY has been a huge disappointment. He came to the presidency with a huge mandate for reform; bureaucratic and institutional, he has frittered that away. His legacy - "A Wasted Opportunity".

SBY gave his annual State of the Nation address in the lead up to Indonesian Independence Day on 17 August. The sad reality is that there are many, too many, Indonesians with not much to celebrate.

It was interesting to see the speech slapped with a fail grade. The speech was labeled as lacking inspiration, sans vision of a better Indonesia, normative, and narcissistic. There were even a few commentators that politely suggesting that the speech was all spin and no substance, with many of them focusing on the idea that tolerance was blossoming in the secular Indonesian state. This is clearly not the case.

Tolerance and harmony, the very "unity in diversity" (or from, if you prefer) is under daily attack. The president seemingly does not possess the testicular fortitude to confront those individuals and groups dedicated to destroying unity in diversity in preference for unity in a form of Islam that is signed off on by Habib Rizieq and Abu Bakar Ba'asyir.

Yes, Mr. President, it is time to stand up and be counted. It is time to stand up and protect the people who believed in you enough to give you the privilege of being president of the Republic of Indonesia. It is their country, you govern it in trust for the people.

Your presidency has been like watching a really poor adaptation of the "Emperor's New Clothes"...Stop kidding yourself and start doing your job!


  1. We did realise that we get what we vote for, but the thing is, it's difficult to choose when you have not much to choose from :/ sadly it's always the case with Indonesia, mediocre politicians.

  2. @ thisindonesian...

    I am sure that some Indonesians realised that they get what they vote for. However, there is probably an equal, if not greater number, who did not understand that basic premise.

    Having read a few of your posts of late, it would seem that there is not all that much to choose from in Dane-land either ;)

  3. Nope. Not in Denmark.

    It somehow enrages me more, because Indonesia can be excusable for being a developing country, but Denmark? No-no. they should have sort everything out ages ago!

  4. @Rob Baiton,
    You are right, many people regretted voting SBY in the two prez elections
    but as mentioned by ThisIndonesian we have no better choice.

  5. @ thisindonesian...


    @ Harry...

    Well, there are always choices!

  6. Yes, there always choices, Harry, but unfortunately the good guys have better good things to do.

  7. @ J...

    Yeah, but they end up at the World Bank or other choice places of employment.
