23 August 2010

Miss Indonesia -- Qory Sandioriva...

This video on YouTube has not been all that popular with almost 24,000 views, but it was seemingly popular enough to spark The Jakarta Globe's interest. The video has also supposedly been going great guns on Twitter and Facebook. There is considerable debate about the English language skills of Qory Sandioriva (although The Jakarta Globe has it as "Sandiriova", I have opted for the Miss Universe pageant spelling).

The video:

Let's face it, her English leads a lot to be desired. But, the real question is who's fault is that?

I do not know enough about the competition rules. I do recall once watching part of a question and answer session on one of these beauty pageant shows where translators were used for contestants who were not confident in their ability to understand and respond in English. Maybe she should have used an interpreter / translator. However, at least she was confident enough to have a go at it.

Yet, with respect to fault, if English is so important to the winner of the Indonesian rounds of this competition, then it is the responsibility of the pageant organisers to vet the contestants prior to their participation. This vetting process includes a fluent English-speaking Indonesian person (there are lots of them, I can recommend a few) or perhaps even a native speaker. Alternatively, the organisers have to be a little more serious in prepping their local winners for international competition.

It is always so much easier to shoot the messenger after the fact. Bagging Qory Sandioriva at this point is like shooting fish in a barrel; all too easy.

In any event, it might be a good time to be at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas with all those intelligent and pretty women there competing in the Miss Universe 2010 competition (beauty pageant).

Anyways, here are some photos to accompany the post.


  1. I am impressed with your homework progress in finding pictures, Rob .. :)

  2. @ SL...


    All the photos are hanging out there on the internet. It was just a simple Google search ;)

  3. Hmm... maybe a bit of overconfidence on Qory's part over her English skills... I think she's smart though, regardless of her English...

    As I've said before.. "Fluency in International English does not necessarily reflect intellectual maturity.." #katagwsih

  4. @ Lemi4 aka...

    Maybe, overconfidence.

    Agreed. Just because one does not speak English does not equate to being stupid. On the contrary, I know many non-speakers of English who are very intelligent.

    The point was really about why the Indonesian committee allowed it to happen.

    Once bitten, definitely not twice shy. It was not all that long ago that "Indonesia was a beautiful city".

  5. correct. you don't learn English in a year, let alone pick up the culture skills to be competitive globally. Indoensia, to its credit, only sometimes appoaches the English fluency question as negligence question. it's the wrong way all right. language has nothing to do with fault. qory's perfectly difficult to follow in Indonesian. why not use a translator? who cares if she can speak English? what's the point of these pageants? i enjoy it all. nice post rob

  6. @ Anonymous...

    It would seem that Qory has moved onto bigger and better things judging by the latest gossip / news.
