01 August 2010

Julia Perez and the New York Times...

For a political candidate with no political experience and a reputation for controversy Julia Perez has certainly quickly mastered the art of using the media. Here is a young woman who's primary claim to fame involves being in touch with her femininity, sexuality, and sexiness who has managed to captivate a nation and seemingly the world into a race in a small town in rural Java.

It is an interesting aside that she is running for elected office in the town that the current president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, hails from, but that's all it is, an aside.

The more intriguing issues were an attempt to introduce "moral" standards that candidates would have to meet in order to be able to nominate and stand for public office. This was designed with Julia Perez (or Jupe) in mind. It has come and gone, and is now well and truly off the radar for the present time. It is probably a good thing for many others other than Julia Perez because there are quite a few politicians that would conceivably have moral issues that would otherwise exclude them from public office (no need to name names, is there?).

There are those that doubt the legitimacy of Perez's candidacy and her ability to do the job as they would rather focus on the presumption that Ms. Perez is being exploited by shrewd political operators in an effort to embarrass the president and to exacerbate the divide between Indonesians of a more moderate and pluralistic view and those who adopt more fundamental and hardline approaches.

However, no one seems to be canvassing the idea that the person doing the exploiting is Ms. Perez herself. Maybe it is Perez that is exploiting the opportunity and the offers to run for office are just the opportunity she has been looking for.

Let's face it; win, lose, or draw in the election, she has won on a bigger scale in that she will now have expanded her base into places she might otherwise never have been able to. How many seriously experienced Indonesian politicians can claim recent stories on CNN and now in the New York Times.

It should be remembered that even though she has little or no political experience of consequence, she does have plenty of social activism related experience as a spokesperson on a number of issues relating to sexual health, among others. This might in fact be more "experience" than some current politicians had when they were elected to office in the present term.

Democracy is a beautiful thing. This time it seems that democracy Jupe style is a lot better looking than what the opposition has to offer.

One final note (and an admission), I am glad that she is running because it is a good excuse to go through my collection of Jupe photos and post them in the relevant blog posts. Enjoy (all these photos are freely available on the Internet, you can search for them and more if you need to).

Ho hum...


  1. Kudos to your collection!!!!!!!!
    I was confused whether to read the post first or to go through the pics.


  2. Nah, only if she gets elected...then I can see a daily Julia Perez update post on the cards ;)

  3. Hi Rob,
    What a collection of Jupe's photos. WOW!
    Re: Jupe's candidacy
    I believe that she really wants it simply because she has nothing to loose, win or loose, she will become more famous, or at least maintain her present popularity.

  4. @ Harry...

    A simple Google search will "reveal" a lot more, particularly if you turn the filter 'off'!

    It is an interesting argument, the one as to whether she is being exploited or is exploiting the situation.

    But, it all sort of becomes moot if she does get elected because then she is going to have to do the job, and my guess is that the job is not a easy as some may think it is.

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  7. @ Vicky FF...

    Thanks for commenting.

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    Thanks for commenting. Anyone interested can undoubtedly follow your link.

    I am not looking for any jewels at the moment.

  9. Quite helpful piece of writing, thanks so much for this post.

  10. And now she had serviks cancer....

  11. And now she has died...
