02 August 2010

DPR Showing Porn...

It would seem that someone at the DPR has a really bizarre sense of humor or there are those that are not to keen on Tifatul Sembiring's (aka TitS), the Minister of Communication and Information, plan to ban all porn sites before Ramadan. I found this really interesting image highlighting how censorship might work in Indonesia, but rather than post it, I will just link to it here.

In what some news agencies are reporting as a major embarrassment, the DPR computer-based information screens had a porn moment earlier in the day and displayed some pretty graphic pornographic images and porn ads for young teen sites. It is being reported that the screens in the offices of the DPR leadership were also 'infected'. Detik is reporting that the 14-inch touch screens were also guilty of being conduits of graphic porn. The idea of porn on a touch screen allows for the mind to boggle.

I remember as a kid having one of those scratch and smell t-shirts; you know the ones, a picture of a strawberry that you rub and then you get the smell of strawberries happening...but I guess you know where I am going with that one so no need to go there now.

The display has sparked an investigation to see how such pictures could find their way onto the computers used at the DPR, and why it was so difficult to shut them down.

If nothing else, this little trip into the perversely funny highlights just how difficult it is going to be for TitS to shut the pornographers down.

Ho hum...


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