12 August 2010

Cut Tari and Ariel Peterporn...

The proof of the deed is in the "watches". Or, more specifically in the "watch" of Nazriel "Ariel" Irham, amateur pornographer and wannabe porn star.

The attached image is supposedly proof positive that the fellow wearing the watch and making a rear entry into the scene is none other than Ariel. The photo really is a little to grainy for my liking. It would be so much easier if there was a much more obvious distinguishing feature' like a tattoo or a mole on the end of his penis or something (not that I would be looking, of course), just something that the police could grab on to might help in resolving this case...

In any event, if the case is this easy, why is it taking the police so long to lay the charges, complete the case file, and hand this thing off to the prosecutors?

Ho hum...

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