07 August 2010


Ladies and Gentlemen, the number is 129,864,880! Yes, Google has determined that the total number of books written is that rather large number above. It needs to be noted that this figure is only indicative of modern history. The definition of modern history suggests a period from the end of the middle ages through to now.

I am very sad to say that I have not written one of them. Bugger! Just thinking that there is that many books out there, and not one of them is written by me is kind of embarrassing. Therefore, I am resolving right here and right now to rectify this oversight of mine, and write a book! Although, it might have to wait a little while until I have some more time.

Google, as Google does, has developed an algorithm that they feed into a computer and just like magic it spits out a number. Not being of the mathematical kind it all sounds sort of a little like playing lotto and the numbers dropping out of a big ball. Anyways...

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