27 July 2010

Clown Funerals...

I am having one of those days where my internet travels have taken me to some strange places. These travels allow me to view strange things. I have got to say this is one of the stranger ones I can recall. I guess, like everyone else, clowns die. And, when a clown dies he has to be given a proper farewell (aka funeral).

It is hard to know whether one should be laughing or crying when looking at these pictures. Personally, I was just shaking my head and wondering what thoughts would go through your mind if you were standing in the cemetery and saw any one of these images unfold before your eyes...

The images are available here, here, and here.


  1. Hi Rob,
    All I can say is hmmmm ......

  2. @ Harry...

    Why's that?

    It would be kinda weird to see the clowns coming to a funeral, but most people when they kick the bucket do not want their family and friends to be sad. Instead they want their family and friends to celebrate the life that was.

