01 May 2010

Islamic Defenders Front -- Giving Islam a Bad Name...

Now, I am not usually one for the conspiracy theories. However, I often wonder how an organisation like the Front Pembela Islam or the Islamic Defenders Front can be so naive with the manner that they go about promoting their brand of radical violent Islam gives rise to serious questions about who they act for. It sometimes reaches a point where one has to wonder whether there is a conspiracy at play here. One where particular interests are using the highly gullible and easily influenced in order to give Islam a bad name. And, let's face it the FPI gives Islam a bad name.

The FPI and their most recent cause saw them storming a hotel in Depok, West Java, to disband a transsexual lingerie contest. Unfortunately, the FPI had been had. It was not a lingerie contest but rather a seminar on human rights. A seminar that in fact was teaching Indonesia transsexual and transgender individuals about their human rights. There was not a lingerie-clad transsexual in sight (probably much to the disappointment of the FPI thugs in attendance).

The seminar itself was supported by the Indonesian National Commission for Human Rights and had the requisite approval to proceed. This approval was granted by the Indonesian police force among others. Unfortunately, it seems no one bothered to get the approval of the local chapter of the FPI. The failure to get the FPI's approval is seemingly a sin against Allah and undoubtedly against Allah's Prophet, Muhammad.

The perversely funny thing here is that by raiding the seminar the FPI has given the Indonesian transsexual and transgender community a profile it might not have had, particularly if they had been left alone to go about their business of attending a seminar on human rights. So, one has to wonder about the agenda of the FPI here. If the FPI is really all about ridding Indonesia  of such "perversion" then why bother helping promote acknowledgement, and perhaps acceptance, of the fact that there are different parts to the broader Indonesian community. In my mind, it is the FPI that is the perversion and needs to be shut down and not my brothers and sisters in the transsexual and transgender community that are pursuing their right to learn about their human rights in an approved forum.

Alternatively, the FPI could show that they have learned a little but about tolerance and accepting difference (my guess is that the FPI will never come to appreciate difference) then they can continue to exist. However, if their continued course is one of violence and intolerance then they must be punished to the full extent of the law and shut down. Any failure to punish the FPI and to shut them down which allows them to continually and unashamedly break the law and violate other individuals human rights begs the question as to why the police and the Indonesian government tolerate them. One would seemingly have to ask: "does the government and do the police approve of the FPI actions?" Should silence and failure to act be construed as support for the FPI agenda?

Ultimately, respect is a two-way street. If you want to be respected then you must respect others. In very simple terms, respect is earned. FPI has not earned respect and is undeserving of respect because of its repeated failures to respect others.


  1. Hi Rob,
    FPI is giving Islam a bad name.
    However, they would not have been so arrogant if the government really want to enforce the law.
    For example in their last action, the police should have been able to prevent them from barging into the seminar venue.
    Today Depok Security (SatpolPP) repeated what FPI did.

  2. Harry...

    That was sort of my point. If the government and the police were serious about ensuring compliance with the prevailing laws and regulations then FPI would be reigned in. The reality is that neither the government nor the police do what needs to be done.

    This gives rise to the obvious question of, "why don't they do something about the FPI?" I wonder whether it is because they are concerned that there will be some backlash from the public that would deem both the government and the police of being anti-Islam, or the government and police's failure to act is in fact tacit endorsement of the FPI activities?

    The mind boggles.

  3. Here is a conspiracy for you. Its been some time since the FPI re-surfaced. They had been rather quiet since they they were caught out beating women and children with sticks a few years back. Personally I see them as hands for others. Perhaps those others were not seeing sufficient disruption with the century and kpk scandals and have now resorted to more traditional methods.
    A unbacked conspiracy certainly but as long as the country allows itself to be humiliated by this group its certainly a a good question.

    Next time send in the brimob.

  4. @ Owais...

    Good for you!

    Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. Comments are always welcome.

    @ PJ...

    It does raise the odd question here are there, doesn't it?

    The periods of silence and then extreme violence seem somewhat orchestrated...

    Ho hum...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I've read about predictions for next 300 years and one clairvoyant says there will be muslims in charge. I just hope FPI will stop giving Islam a bad name! Soon!
