17 April 2010

Some Blog Housekeeping...

Using a different browser and gadgety things...which seems to have done some interesting things to the fonts and spacing when I add pictures...So, not only are blog posts infrequent for now, but I am also tinkering with a few things appearance wise. Bear with me if you are so inclined, if not then so be it :D

And all other posts, sans pictures, will seemingly appear as they always have...


  1. Hi Rob,
    I hope that every thing is okay now.

  2. @ Harry...

    Not really. I am not tech savvy enough to work it out. I have been thinking about changing the format to a single column (rather than the current double column format)...but I am too busy with other stuff to devote too much time to it at the moment.

  3. Oh my god, there's so much helpful info here!
