11 April 2010

A Lack of Blog Posts...

It is certainly nothing personal, but truth be told, I have just been too busy! The simple reality for me is that a young son and a full-time, accelerated, Masters level univeristy education keeps me pretty busy. Finding the time to tend to young Will and read 60+ hours a week and do assignments (five in the last two weeks) has meant that something had to give. What gave is blogging :D

I have made a commitment to myself to try and get at least 1 blog post in a week but, to be honest, I am not going to lose any sleep over it if I do not get 1 a week in.

For any of you that care; life is good (sounds like an ad)!


  1. Hi Rob,
    It's GREAT to have you back on the blogosphere. Everybody missed you.

  2. Thought you might have been abducted by aliens or something. Good that you are keeping busy.
