10 January 2010

Pornography -- By The Numbers...

The Numbers Behind Pornography
Source: Online Education

This is the first of a couple of porn related posts. The second one will be about the NSW government's plan to introduce legislation that would in essence remove artistic merit as being an acceptable defense to the production of a pornographic image. The amended legislation is designed to ensure that images of child pornography never see the light of day under the guise of art. The amended legislation is supposedly in response to the Bill Henson shenanigans of last year.

However, this post can be found at Online Education (which bills itself as the place where you can learn "the stuff they don't teach you in college..."). It makes for interesting reading. For example, the disparity in income potential between male and female porn stars. Even more interesting is that Asia (in the guise of China, South Korea, and Japan) account for 3/4 of all porn revenue. And, that this revenue totals some USD 97 billion annually.

Considering that only 43% of all internet users search for porn and view it, then the market potential remains huge in this industry sector.

Oh well, gotta go...


  1. honestly, I found your blog by googling the term, "rin sakuragi+indonesia film"

    and honestly the porn effect was there, somewhere occupying more than 43% of my mind

    also honestly I thought the pictures were good (ok, they are awesome)

    yup, here I am part of the statistic.

    nice blog bytheway!

  2. Ijoitem...

    Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment.

    Uh-huh, but were you looking for porn or just some news and views about the film?

    Was the porn effect there or was it just an after thought having looked at the numbers in the graphic?

    The pictures are all freely available on the WWW. I have found that "[person's name] images" works best in a Google search. My guess is that if you search "rin sakuragi" + images you will find a whole lot more of her awesome pictures :D

    Well, it is always nice to know where you fit in, statistically.


  3. Interesting. I thought Indonesia were on the list instead of China.

    By looking into your post, I just wondering about our UU Pornografi affect Indonesia for not being on the list or there's other reason

  4. Tere...

    Indonesia is unlikely to be ahead of China for two reasons: sheer size of population and the level of internet penetration.

    Nope, nothing to do with the Porn Law in my opinion. Law enforcement agencies are not going to have either the resources of the expertise to be chasing after those online. Hence the arresting of a few sexy dancers in Bandung.

  5. OOT, Rob.
    We just moved to Sydney 10 days ago and just realised that you, mrs and the most handsome baby ever, live in the same town :D.

  6. Rob,

    Maybe the reason why Indonesia is not included because porn materials were imported illegally (smuggled). The fact is that it's not difficult to find Japanese & Chinese porn dvd in Jakarta & other big cities in Indonesia.

    PS: I tried to open your blog a couple of times at the office today but failed. On my computer there was a notice: THIS SITE IS PROHIBITED BY PROXY. According to our IT staff your site either contain porn materials or Facebook.

  7. Santi...

    Sorry about the delayed response.

    Welcome to Australia to You and Yours. I know that you will all enjoy your time in this fine land ;)

    Yep, we do. Maybe a picnic would be a goer?

  8. Harry...

    I do not know about the how easy it is to get Japanese and Chinese porn in Jakarta :D

    Oh well, that is too bad for me and my blog I guess. I have written about Facebook and lots of my "tags" are related to material that might be prohibited by your search engine ;)

    I guess, you will have to stop visiting or change offices :D

  9. Pretty helpful material, thanks so much for the article.
