18 January 2010


A change of pace. I figured that a photo to make you smile would make an interesting change from what I have been posting of late; for you and for me.

This photo was sent to me as part of an Irish joke. It also included a sentence about it being a 'real' photograph. I am always a little weary of real photographs and the internet. The cold hard reality is that there are some real masters out there of the technology and software who can manufacture 'real' photos.

I cannot make the writing out on the street signs so the photo could really be anywhere. Maybe someone recognizes the buildings or the signs. Supposedly the footpath is the one outside the Royal Hospital in Belfast.

It is kind of funny and put a smile on my dial. People really cannot be that silly can they? Those bollards, at least one of them, must lift out and then can be replaced and then locked, right?

Oh well!


  1. Rob,

    I tried to take look at the photo for a while, but I didn't get you.

  2. Harry...


    How is the van going to get out from where it is currently parked?

  3. Rob,

    Ha ha ha ha ......
    I have been too serious lately.

  4. Harry...

    The world is a serious place where serious things happen.

    However, the post was prefaced with the idea of lightening up the mood a little ;)

  5. Thanks so much for the article, pretty useful data.
