21 December 2009

Will, Santa, and Christmas 2009...

Happy holidays to all.

For those celebrating Christmas, may it be a wonderful time for you all shared with family and friends.

This photo of Will was taken on Saturday. We had been enjoying a day at the markets at Warwick Farm and Liverpool. While we were at Liverpool, Santa was doing the rounds. So, we thought it as good a time as any to get a happy snappy of Will with Santa. However, it seems that Will is not so sure that the fat man in the red suit is all that cool.

I am sure that over time Will will come to appreciate Santa and Mrs. Claus, especially if the Christmas stocking continues to be filled in the same way that it is this year!


  1. Rob,

    Will is cute little guy!

    I wonder whether he would be as popular as Cinta Laura when he return to Indonesia in the future.
    I hope that he'll speak Indonesian language better than her.

    Just a thought.

  2. @Rob:
    Love the pic! And happy holiday to you and wife and little Will :)

    @Mr. Nizam:
    If I'm not mistaken, Cinta Laura thinks it's better to learn Indonesian language in Australia, so hopefully Will's gonna be alright :D

  3. Harry...

    Yes, he is! But, then again, I am his Dad so I am always a little biased :D

    I don't know on the Cinta Laura front. The girl has made a lot of money from being a poor speaker of Indonesian (and having a weird accent in which she speaks it), so maybe it is not crucial that Will be an excellent speaker of the language :D

    That said, his Mum is Indonesian and I can assure you that Will will be a fine speaker of Indonesian. Simply, his Mum would not have it any other way...


    Thanks! To you and yours as well, Happy Holidays.

    The government is supposedly upping the funding for Indonesian language support in primary schools here. This funding includes, at least at some schools, a bilingual education.

    I am sure that Will will be fine.
