18 December 2009

Statutory Rape or Monumental Mistake?

This is a series of photos doing the rounds of the internet at the moment. Perhaps they will appeal to lawyers more than anyone else (I am not sure that is a good thing, though).

So, the simple question is: "Is this statutory rape or a monumental mistake?"


  1. I wonder if the Friends of Obama Foundation would take special precautions to protect their statue in Menteng if there are Moose in Indonesia.

  2. Unspun...

    Lucky for them there are no moose in Menteng, although there are a few deer not to far away at Monas...

    I was thinking about a little post about Barry's little statute, but figured there is not a whole lot to say.

  3. You really don't want to be near a moose during rut season. They are suprisingly agile for their enormous size.

    For some reason the hampster scene in "the klumps" just came to mind - disturbing.

  4. PJ...

    Disturbing indeed.

    It is surprising how agile creatures, including humans, get when they have a need / urge to satisfy.

  5. Rob,

    Ha ha ha ha .........
    You have made my day.

    It seems that the holidays have made you more creative than usual (LOL).

  6. Harry...

    Not really.

    Judging by the number of posts this month, the (pending) holidays have only made me lazy :D

  7. you can found scene like this in sex is zero 2 (korean movie)

  8. jajajajajaja, is enough jajajaja, what a funny picture, someone please tell that moose the true, or maybe this is another way to create robotic creatures, robo-moose, jajajaja.
