31 December 2009

Luna Maya Returns to Twitter...

What is it with this grabbing the dog from behind picture. Everywhere one goes looking for a Luna Maya picture, this is one of the first ones to appear...

Luna Maya (@lunmay) has returned to the Twittering fold and reactivated her account on the microblogging site. I guess this means you cannot keep a good woman down, even if you lodge a criminal defamation complaint against her?

The Luna Maya fiasco erupted when some infotainment journalists became a little over-zealous in their pursuit of the interview and photo that we mere mortals crave in our daily celebrity fix. During the ensuing free-for-all Ariel's (the boyfriend of LM) little girl was clocked in the head with a camera or something. This led to the famous tweet comparing infotainment journalists to prostitutes and murderers. Subsequently, the Luna Maya Twitter account disappeared after a short apology was posted.

But, it is back! There have been no new tweets apparently. Apparently is because I do not tweet or twitter and I am going on what others have said. Ah, the beauty of second hand information.

What is interesting is that the Minister of Communication and Information, Tifatul Sembiring, has come out and said that the Information and Electronic Transactions Law that the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) is using as the basis of its criminal defamation claim was not drafted not designed for this sort of criminal defamation action.

According to Sembiring, the ITE Law was drafted and is designed to prevent computer related crimes such as credit card fraud and hacking., That said, it would seem that Article 27 also seems to open the door for arguments that the ITE Law also conceives that criminal defamation might also be a crime within the scope of the law.

As usual, a Luna Maya post lends itself to some gratuitous picture posting.


  1. Ok, there is just so many things about the first picture that is not right :-)

  2. Stump...

    I did not do this post for you, but I figured you would find it hard to resist :D


  3. Rob,

    The only way to make the Police, Prosecutors and Court judges think that the ITE Law is not designed for Luna Maya's case is by revising said law. The minister's statement would only be considered as personal opinion.

  4. Harry...

    I only said that Sembiring's take on the ITE Law was interesting :D I was not intending to get into the nitty gritty of what that might mean in a legal sense.

    But, yes, it is personal opinion and it is not binding in any sense of the law. However, that said, Sembiring seems to think that if the issue is remotely related to his portfolio then he can issue a Ministerial Regulation to govern the matters therein (wiretapping for instance).

    A revision? How about a repeal and then a redrafting of something a little more sensible and specific sans provisions on criminal defamation? ;)

    It is the New Year so anything is possible, right?

  5. Its new year's night and I am wondering what you mean by the last two paragraphs. Article 27? Can you expound a bit more please or am I missing something.

    sorry to be so serious and ungirly!!

    Happy new year. May you post on....

  6. Ok, Youse blokes need help..It's the silly season, beautiful (if slightly weird)girl pictures and you are talking articles of law...Geez and I thought I was getting old! (oops I meant more experienced)

  7. "Ah, the beauty of second hand information."

    That's a good excuse, Rob, one that is used by George Junus Aditjondro about his book Unmasking the Cikeas Octopus: Behind the Bank Century Scandal and me.

    I generally assume that I can hide behind what others have said. If I ever get sued for defamation, I can countersue on the basis that I'm only commenting on what's already been put in the public domain by 'professional' journalists.

  8. Lawk...

    Article 27 is the one that seems to be the one used to launch criminal defamation actions (at least as I recall).

    The last paragraph just means that posts on some subjects lend themselves to some gratuitous picture posting. In this case, Luna Maya in a swimsuit.

  9. Stump...

    You thought or you know? :D

  10. J...

    Well, in this case the info about Luna Maya that I have published here is second hand. I have not spoken to her about it (although I have spoken to those who speak to her).

    What is the definition of citizen journalism, again?

    Ah, but I have not shoved my laptop (book) in anyone's face yet. But, no one has told me I am hallucinating either.

    Nevertheless, the book on the Cikeas octopus does have potential by putting a whole lot of clippings into one place.
