24 November 2009

Manohara, Corruption, and Cemeteries

I have decided not to go with the traditional Manohara post heading. I think we are up to the mid-twenties or something, but who really cares about that.

There is one thing you have to acknowledge about Manohara and her handlers, they are master manipulators of the media. Manohara is often referred to as a teen sinetron star. Yet, her only foray into sinetron, or Indonesian soap operas, was axed after not fully completing a whole season. There are obviously diverse opinions on why that is, but it seems that the self-titled soap opera was not a big ratings winner once the novelty wore off.

In any event, this has not been a deterrent to Manohara or those handling her public image. She seems to have this uncanny knack of being everywhere that there is a photo opportunity. Most recently she turned up at the Hotel Indonesia roundabout to support a demonstration by the "Red and White Troops" focusing on anti-corruption.

The thrust of the demonstration or protest was that corruption is bad and that convicted corruptors need to be socially stigmatized in life and in death. In death, meaning that the government should set aside special pieces of land to build cemeteries for corruptors. Personally, this seems a tad unnecessary, particularly for god-fearing people. Simply, if corruption is the evil many of us believe it to be then it would seem pretty obvious that God is unlikely to reward corruptors no matter where they are buried.

And, if there is no God then it does not really matter where corruptors commence their worm food journey, does it?

In the understatement of the day category Manohara piped up that she hope that Indonesia will one day be corruption free. Don't we all, Mano?

She went onto say that she hopes corruptors are severely punished and that where those corruptors are government employees that they are fired. This was topped off by a call for unity in the fight against corruption that would see the KPK, the Police, and the Office of the Attorney General reunited in their common cause, corruption eradication.

Although, the best part of the Manohara saga is how she refers to herself in the third person. It is almost like she is not there when she is talking about herself. One quote attributed to her is, “Mano is not afraid to get dark (from the sun). Mano could get in the car but any people out here have to stand the heat.”

I am wondering though, if Mano and her mother, Daisy Fajarina, are so concerned about law and order, then why did they not deal with the case against them in Malaysia which resulted in a rather large default judgment against them? Or why Daisy insists in not finalizing the legal issues pertaining to her alleged abuse of a domestic servant whilst living in France?

People who live in glass houses probably should not throw stones (or walk around naked :D).


  1. Is that her mum in the pic?? If so, id like to comment that I for one am moved by the fact that the two of them seem to work well together. Its a rare thing in art,politics, divorce, etc that mum is always there for support. who is the parasite? or is that too strong word??

  2. jakarta social blog last year put her as "current obsession". so sad that she turns out to be the one who seems to be obsessed with media coverage

  3. Great article as for me. It would be great to read a bit more about this theme.
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  4. "Walk around naked"
    Spare us please...she would give pornography a bad name. That ones a paper bag date for sure...or was a that deep heat and condom date

  5. Anong...

    I believe it is (but I cannot say with any authority - I am not an expert on Daisy Fajarina).


    I think I read that too. I am guessing that Manohara and her mum want to be "current obsession" this year as well.

    123 123...

    Not sure what Manohara would have to do with a London escort site, but it is an interesting thought :D


    Don't hold back! Tell us what you really think ;)

  6. Rob,

    It's good to see you updating your blog again ...... even though it's about Manohara. I believe that people just like me : fed up with this teenage chick and all her mumbo jumbo.

  7. Harry...

    Well, there must be a demand for it or the media would not keep indulging her, would they?

  8. Quite worthwhile material, thank you for the post.
