10 November 2009

Kidnapping Julia?

Now that it seems Maria Ozawa (aka Miyabi) has pulled the plug on coming to Indonesia to play the lead role in the film "Kidnapping Miyabi" out of fear for her life, or perhaps it's just because she cannot be bothered to go toe-to-toe with the Indonesian Ulama Council (Majelis Ulema Indonesia / MUI) or Islam Defenders Front (Front Pembela Islam / FPI). Either way, the Japanese porn star that was looking to expand her portfolio of film work into the comedy genre, Maria is now history.

So, rather than write the concept off altogether perhaps the people at Maxima Productions can come to an arrangement with a suitable Indonesian replacement. Perhaps this might be a series of suggestions of possible "stars" to take on the role that was to formerly be played by Miyabi.

It would seem that the MUI and the FPI could not possibly have a problem with a local starlet taking the lead role in an Indonesian comedy. Furthermore, it would seem that the relevant Minister would not be able to make up some lame excuse that might prevent Julia from getting a visa. Although, stranger things have happened. The film, being a comedy and all, should not run foul of the relevant authorities that are now tasked with ensuring that all Indonesian film meet exacting moral and educational standards.

First cab off the rank, so to speak, is Julia Perez. Ms. Perez has quite a following in Indonesia. At least she does in my anecdotal studies on the issue. She might not be a porn star of the magnitude of Miyabi, but nonetheless she does have the image of being a bit of a sexy rebel (unfortunately this is usually without a cause). Simply, suggestion one; "Kidnapping Julia".

I think it is a surefire hit. Just so you can see why, I have included a few "promotional" shots (all pictures freely available on the internet).

Suggestion two...stay tuned! I am thinking Jade Marcella...


  1. How have not got 50 comments for this one already...you make me day

  2. Stump...

    I tend not to get too many comments on the extremely soft porn posts that I do every now and then to keep the visitor stats up :D

    Glad to have been of service in making your day ;)

    Might be time for another Tia post. I had a look at my stats earlier today and I am still getting hits on the last one that I did...

  3. Ah Tia,

    Is she not the cure for all Ills...although the stats might just be me :-)

  4. Rob,

    Although she's on TV almost every day
    but Julia Perez is not my cup of tea.
    One thing I remember was that she didn't join forces with those who were against Inul's dance few years back.

  5. Harry...

    Not my cup of tea either.

    Besides, I was just offering up an alternative that might get past the censors at MUI and FPI.

  6. I love that girls, specially her body. I've been visiting this blog to see the pictures and I think you add the best one, I'm talking about the second imagine, I can't believe it, her body is perfect! We love the Japanese porn too, but I think they're doing something wrong with the scripts, because always is the same conversation. I prefer den Mexican porn!
