13 November 2009

Blog Housekeeping -- Word Verification...

Dear All...

It seems that a lot of my posts are getting spammed. Therefore, I have opted to activate word verification. Hopefully, this will reduce the amount of spam I am getting about buying pirated DVDs and CDs from Russia and other places, as well as medications from all over the globe. After all, there is only so much Viagra and Cialis that one man can use :D

Hopefully, you all will get to enjoy the rest of your Friday and have a nice weekend to boot.


  1. just out of curiosity, what are the EXTRA benefits if a healthy man (not suffering from Erectile Dysfunction)takes Viagra? I've been hearing stories about men taking viagras for recreational purpose.Men, pls enlighten me.

  2. Lawyer Buruk...

    I do not know. I have not looked it up. I am guessing, though, if you are really keen to know then you could look it up on the internet, perhaps a simple Google search would do the trick.

    Recreational purposes? Such as?

  3. Pirated DVDs from Russia? Would make a change from the Chinese job lots we're used to.

    My spam is mainly about buying gold and hydroponics. That's surely a better class of spammer.

  4. Rob,

    I used to receive them on my Shout box, luckily they have stopped.
    But I still receive lots of them on my Yahoo e-mail, few on my Google and none on my Mail.com

    Have a wonderful weekend with your loved ones.

  5. In theory, viagra doesnt help healthy men. BUT a lot of men are under the impression that it will prolong their erection (that's the reason for so many spams/advertisements), so much so that these men pop a few viagras during their attempt to service 2 girls simultaneously. Instead a few of them ended up dead and their sordid scandals published in the newspapers the next day. Many years ago Pzifer was investigating into incidents of recreational usage of viagra. I heard these gossips because my brother is a doctor BUT he could not give me accounts of first hand experience.

  6. J...

    Never been in proximity to any Russian pirated DVDs myself to comment on quality.

    A better class of spammer? Is there such a thing?

  7. Harry...

    I am just getting 'em on the blog, spam that is.

    So far, so good on the weekend with loved ones :D

  8. Lawyer Buruk...

    So, servicing two girls at once is recreational? And, if one uses Viagra, then the Viagra use is recreational use?

    The beauty of life; I learn something new everyday, thanks! ;)

  9. By the way, I am a lady.
    That's the impression I got from health shows & medical report. HAHAHAHAA......

  10. Lawyer Buruk...

    Lady or not doesn't matter does it with respect to the question :D

    Can you use it just to improve blood flow generally, and perhaps this will make one feel better all round?
